About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a writer and spiritual explorer who has studied and practiced techniques of spiritual growth, release and change for the last thirty years -- and that's just the years in which I realized that that is what I was doing! Do I now fully realize what I'm doing? I hope not, for "full realization" sometimes means reducing things to what we think we understand. Perhaps it would be appropriate to say that that which is presumably understood is like the train on which we are riding, while the scenery outside the windows is the world that we come here to experience, and it is that which is not understood. We leave that which is comfortable and move toward that which is unknown, for the predictability of the known is ultimately more unbearable than the lurking fear which brims from that which is mysterious. All life involves change, differentiation, and passage of one sort or another. It is my pleasure and challenge to apply the tools of change to myself, and to share with others what may work for them. Eventually the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Message from Vishnu

Greetings and blessings to all who read and hear these words. I am he who has been known for many thousands of years on your plane as Vishnu. I have appeared in many forms, and indeed, I am in a certain sense interchangeable with the Ones known as Siva and Brahma. Am I “only” this? No, indeed. I function throughout the physical world and many others in many forms, and I am known by many names. It is not the time for me to reveal all the names, for I do not wish to trigger too many memories all at once.

As time moves in the form of a loop, there are windows through which I peek at you, some of them in your past and some in your future. The present? I am always observing you. I am in fact very vigilant, as it is my job to send the energies which both sustain your present and open your future. In the Indian religion, I am known as “the preserver,” and that I am. I could also be called “the awakener,” as I help to bring in the energies of the New Dawn.

At levels beyond your fixed-world dream, passage between identities is more malleable and transparent. This is why your traditions speak of multiple identities of your gods. Your Hebrew Bible refers to the Elohim, who are plural. The Christian traditions speak of a trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The native american traditions refer to the sacred spirits, or Wanagi Wakan. In the Hindu tradition, there is Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. Am I all of them? Yes, and yet I speak now from the real consciousness focus of He who sends to you that which you need.

It should be noted that I send that which is appropriate to you at a given time. Did I allow you to have the atom bomb in the 19th century? No. You were not ready for it. Its appearance in the 20th century has been a stimulus for you to move to your next level, in which you no longer fear one another and attempt to stifle each other's uniqueness.

If you feel that there could be no good result from the emergence of such a weapon, think of the times that something stressful in your life has roused you to meet its challenge and you have come out the better for it. Rest assured I am watching, as I said. There is much disturbance in your world at this time. I am well aware of this. Much of this disturbance comes from the loosening of your inner mind structures. You are changing the template with which your create your world.

Remember, your “world” is but a template. You all “grabbed a copy” of the worksheet for this world as you entered. Many of you received a template which had been tampered with. Why did I not prevent this? Because there is something important about imperfection. You are learning to be masters of this. In order to move to more advanced levels of soul operation, you must learn to deal with challenges, as I said earlier. Challenges are often quite perplexing when first encountered. Is not a challenge exciting to you in many respects? You spend a lot of time creating and playing your various games, from Rubix to video games to chess, to baseball and soccer, to skiing and gambling, you have thousands of types of games. These games are much more important for you than you realize. You are resetting your minds through your play, because you apply yourselves with enthusiasm and joy to your games, and you do not weigh them down with the opprobrium of “work.” Animals play a great deal of the time, and so do you.

At our level of focus, we play as well. In one sense it is correct to say that you also will one day play in this way. In another sense, you are doing it already, because you are us. We/You/The One play in our many forms. The boundaries which you keep between what you call fantasies and reality are beginning to be much more permeable. In response, our boundaries between each other can also be dispensed with, sometimes even while you are watching. I am Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. I am Jesus, Krishna and Buddha. I am Jupiter, Zeus and Ra. I am the Goddess, Gaia, Lakshmi and Aphrodite. Who else? Am I dissolving all identity boundaries before your eyes? In fact, it is you who are doing this.

Let us go a step further. (Know that there is never anything to really fear.) How about all your historical figures? Am I all of those? You have your clearly defined “good” and “bad” figures. You fear that dissolving this distinction will release a horde of negativity. But there is another place from which to view this. Will you go there with me? You are there already, or you would not read this. I will leave it to you to name the people you feel are evil throughout history, from ancient times, through times that you remember because of your past lives, and on into the present, to your current preferences, to your political campaigns, with the constant suggestions given about what is good and bad, what should be chosen and what should be rejected. Know that your very choices are also part of the infinite pattern of the deeper sky. You are beyond who you think you are, and that aspect of you who is “beyond” considers you with love.

I spoke before about the tampering with the template, with the pattern and “house rules” that you received when you entered. One of the major features of this interference involves cutting you off from me and others who can help you. Instead, you are directed to those who wish to keep you ignorant, unaware of your own abilities, and hidebound by rules which leave you little freedom. We who can help you are even made to look like dangerous and evil beings. Note that Jesus was accused of doing miracles by the power of Beelzebub.

In the dawning of this world, I sent a light into your cellular structure which would always be there, though it might come to be covered over with ugly masks and danger warnings. I wish to give you a meditation now which will help in recovering this energy.

Please sit in a comfortable position. It might be useful to you to have someone read this to you. Take two or three, long slow deep breaths. Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting on top of a very high mountain. Ignore any distracting thoughts that come up as we journey together – don't resist the thoughts, just keep following with me. I will provide for your safety at all times. On this high mountain top, you can only see clouds down below, and the peaks of a few lower mountains. Imagine the cool, fresh mountain air in your lungs.

Far in front of you, you begin to see the wings of a bird as it approaches you. As it comes closer, you can see that it is a very large eagle. It lands on a rock about twenty feet in front of you. The eagle does not speak, but examines you closely, turning its head a little from side to side. You notice now that the eagle is holding a golden ring in its beak. The eagle flies upward, above you, and drops the ring. It falls into your open left palm.

Now you come with me again, and you are sitting on a rock at the bottom of the ocean. Yes, you can breathe here. There is a golden glow all around you. From up higher in the water, an unusual creature comes down. It looks like a golden rug with eyes. It stops and shimmers in front of you. Below the golden “rug” the sea floor opens, and you see the towers and roofs of a city. You know this place. You have been here. The golden rug descends into the city, drifting easily between the buildings, seeming to dissolve slowly into the water.

Come with me again. We are in a courtroom. You are standing before the bench, behind which, up high above you, sit five judges. The bench is brown, the judges are robed in black. You hold up your left hand, and the eagle's ring is on one finger. The judges stand and bow to you.

We sit together alone now, by the banks of a rippling stream. On the far side of the stream stands a golden buck. On one of his antlers, the golden ring gleams. He turns and disappears into the forest.

Breathe deeply now, and allow the deeper meaning of the symbols you have experienced to move through you. No matter what your mind tells you, or what thoughts you experience coming to you, you are free.

I am Vishnu, I provide to you all that you need, and I see to it that you are able to be free. Will you choose it? Will you climb out of your crib and begin to walk? You will be amazed at all that awaits you. And there is a place in your future when you will laugh at the process you are going through now, not with derision, but with the laugh of joy and love that a parent makes when he or she sees their child take its first steps.

In some way of your own choosing, it is good to dance. Your unique dance can take any form. It may not be done with your feet. Its movement may not be visible to others, but in some way, as you create or discover your dance, you remember your joy. I remember when you had it, and I see that it is still there. Enjoy it. Siva dances, why not you?

Copyright 2008 Scott Amun

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Scott.

    It is good that you can recollect some much details with such accuracy.


